I do wonder if I have turned into one of those people that force others to look at pictures of my girl? I wonder…but it doesn’t stop me.
So another month has passed. I can’t believe that she is already six months old. Motherhood has definitely exceeded all my expectations. The only thing that has been disappointing or maybe miss-leading is that after six months I am still carrying all of my baby weight. Those who know me, know that I have struggled with my weight all my life the only difference since Molly has come is that I don’t think I have been obsessive about it which, could explain why it is all still there.
Anywho………….the weather is getting nicer here to where you can go out and enjoy the weather. We bought a new kind of carrier that is a little more easier on the back and she loves it! My mom said she used one with my sister and I and after searching the internet, I found a used one and have been trucking around every since. Craigslist has become my new best friend!

Hurricane Ike did not effect us here too much except for family members that lived in the Houston area came and stayed with us for a couple days. They are all gone now with minimal damage. I also learned that Molly loves to have people around, we had a house full and she loved it and was entertained the whole time. Molly is rolling over without any effort, she is sitting up on her own and grabbing at everything and putting it straight in her mouth. It is amazing how a six month old little girl can grab something, put it in her mouth in 1.2 seconds or less. Or how she can out muscle me when it comes to putting on her diaper and she doesn’t want to cooperate. How does a 19# baby win these wars? I have a couple pounds on her and she appears to be stronger. Hmmmm
Hope you and your family is doing well!

Hope you and your family is doing well!