I worry alot about being a good mom. ALOT. I resisted having a baby for a long time because I was so scared of being a bad mom. Now I eat out of nervousness (yeah, now I have an excuse) and grow gray hairs because I am concerned that I don't talk to her enough, I don't stimulate her enough, I used a plastic container that had BPA, I used a lotion that caused her rash, that I don't spend enough time with her....oh shit maybe I spend too much time with her and she will be dependent on me and don't get me started on immunizations.
I see other mommy's out in public and they are all smiles, with nice clothes and brushed hair and then there is me with my Liberian bun and stains on my white hanes t-shirts. Sometimes I am really tired and feel like the weight of the world is riding on my butt. Other mommy's don't really look like this to me. I really have felt alone in the new mommy journey and feel like I am the only person to go through this.
I do have an amazing husband but I don't think he truly understands. I have been following a few "mommy blogs" that makes me feel like there might possibly be others like me but today has been the best day for my mommy self esteem.
I don't typically watch Oprah, but I read she was doing a show on motherhood so I tuned in. It was all about motherhood and mommy's sharing secrets. There were ladies

on there admitting that they had not taken showers in weeks, that their relationships with their husbands had changed and one admitted that she gathered her kids school lunch from the snacks she had in the car. There is even a book that two mommy's wrote about "mommy confessions". I think I will get it and make sure there are women out there like me that really can't seem to get it together.
Thank you Oprah, although other women might not be wearing old, stained, white, hanes t-shirt, or going around with un-brushed hair there are others who feel less than adequate. As sad as it is, it makes me feel better.