It seems like I am getting to know something different about my daughter each day. This evening I was putting away her clothes and found a pair of slippers that her abulita gave her months ago. We didn't wear them because they were too big and I just forgot about them. When I found them I realized they are the size she wears but I didn't believe it because they looked huge so I had her try them on. First of all.........she was super eager, trying to lift up her foot and get them on, then she didn't want to take them off. Even when I took of her clothes to get her in her PJ's she started crying when I took them off. I put them right back on and she ran away from me. No clothes on, just these fabulous slippers. I took a very cute picture but will keep it to myself because Raymond would
kill me if I put a naked baby picture up.
You are probably wondering what kind of awesome slipper are these? And maybe thinking you need a pair?
Now I am very afraid. Afraid, I am going to have that girl that wants all pink, all princess, all the time. Boa's are fine because, they are cool and never go out of style but pink, princess....UGH.
To top off Molly's fashion show, I have some pictures of Molly wearing two dresses that her Aunt Nelly made for her. They are so cute that I had to share.

Apparently these are simple pillow case dresses (I say simple very sarcastically), but Aunt Nelly had to throw in more bling so instead of the usual ribbon around the neckline she blinged it up with some beads and jewels. There is a third one that is my favorite because she actually stitched a design on the bottom of the dress. I will add that picture later because I will have to show it off.
It is fun dressing Molly and there are so many choices for little girls. Not to mention she has an Aunt that wants to sew her dresses. I got a message yesterday that Aunt Nelly made me a matching pillow case top and dresses for Molly's babies!
Bring on the matching outfits and bring on the boa's!