Last weekend we went to visit Molly's grandpito and abuelita. They live about three hours away and we left on Friday evening at Molly's bedtime. She did eventually go to sleep and it was a pretty easy drive for all of us. On the way back we left at her nap time and she was so exhausted from the weekend she slept all the way home. It was pretty nice to just talk to my husband, I don't even think we had the radio on for most of the trip!

It is very easy to see how much her grandparents, aunt and uncle love

her. What really cracked me up is that I think her grandpito finds things for the kids, stores them for years until they are needed. He spent a lot of time with her and they both just walked and played outside for what seemed like hours and every time I would come out the check on them........they were playing with something new.

Flowers that grandpito picked for Molly's hair.
Abuelita asks on a regular basis when Molly can spend the night with her. When she asks this question, I lose my breath, can't breath, need a brown paper bag.
Give me some more time, I am sure I will get better. Right?
I love to see the pictures, keep them coming:-)