Last Mother's Day, my first Mother's Day we went to Houston to celebrate the day with Raymond's mom. Raymond did shower me with gifts but the day did not feel special...AT ALL. I suppose it was okay because I had only been a mom for a couple of months, hell my head was still spinning and I don't even think I knew I was a mommy at this point.

This year I asked Raymond if we could stay home and let me enjoy the day because this year has been a full year of motherhood and I deserved to have a day. So many changes, so many emotions, so much work.........I still have a job, Molly is still alive, I am still married and I am exhausted.
When my husband asked me what I wanted to do for Mother's Day, I told him "I want to go to the movies." I really miss the movies. I used to go all the time and for the first three months of Molly's life I dragged her to a movie everyday. She was very good at falling asleep until about the fourth month and I have not been to the movies by myself since then.
I of course love going with Raymond but I really love going by myself. So for Mother's Day I went and saw, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. It was okay, I just wanted to see a chick flick and this hit the spot. It was lovely. The biggest diet coke $5.00 could buy and a little popcorn for effect. Heaven.
For dinner we went to park and had a picnic. It really could not have been a better day. Here is a picture of my and Molly on Mother's Day at the park. This is a big step for me. I don't take many pictures because of my weight insecurities but it is Mother's Day and it calls for a special occasion, plus I did a pretty darn good job hiding behind Molly.
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