I meant to write you a letter each month on the 18th to acknowledge all your new accomplishments or list all of the things we have done. I always have good intentions baby, it just doesn't always work out. Life is busy and it gets in the way of me writing. I even have a journal by my bedside that I want to write in every night and I don't do that either. One excuse I have is that once you go to bed (usually about 8pm) I get your papi all to myself.
Sometimes we do chores, sometimes we watch TV and sometimes.......we sit and talk. It is at these times that I realize I am married and going through this journey with someone. I remember that your papi is not only a papi but also my husband. Funny that it takes this quiet time to remember that.
You took awhile to crawl and really just started crawling around 12 months. It was only a matter of days before you started walking. Once your figured it out, things have not been the same. You are constantly on the go and into something. It only takes one second for you to be on the stairs, another second and you are in the garbage can, another second and you are putting something you found in your mouth. You have and continue to discover so many things. I couldn't find one of your shoes and was pretty upset (your shoes are crazy expensive for such tiny things) a few days later papi found them in the cleaning bucket in the garage. How did you get your shoe in the bucket? I have no clue and I am truly with you ALL THE TIME.
Since your first birthday we have been busy, busy, busy. During the week we get up at 6 am so that I can get to work by 8 am. I pick you up at about 1 pm and I always try to plan something for the afternoon. We have spent many afternoons at the park, we have gone to the children's museum and the Austin Zoo. Now that it is hot and reaching triple digits we spend a lot of time at the pool.
Your first summer at the pool you were very small and just kind of hung out in this floating crab. Now.......now you are too big for that. At first you would just let me hold you as I walked around the pool. Then we moved onto playing with toys on the side of the kiddie pool now you want to run from one side of the kiddie pool to the other side. You fall a lot and have figured out how to get yourself back up. Sometimes you just want to float; you kind of walk on your hands, feet are floating, mouth is in the water and your nose is poking out. You move all around just like that. It is a bit scary for me because you are fearless. I am amazed how you move yourself around and could care less if I was there or not. There was another baby there that is one week younger than you and her mommy was amazed at how steady you are on your feet and how you swim around. It gives me at least 40 gray hairs every time we go.
In May we went to Houston to spend the weekend with abulita and grandpito. You enjoy the non-stop attention and I don't blame you one bit. There is a lot of love going on and you have them all wrapped around your fingers.
We also celebrated Mother's Day in May. It was a monumental year for me, because I feel like I have made it through my first year of motherhood. You are still alive and appear to be thriving, I like to think that I can take credit for a very small portion of it.
We took our second vacation at the end of May/beginning of June. We went to San Francisco and did a bunch of tourist stuff and spend time with my aunt and uncle just outside of San Francisco. You were a bit off schedule and that made your pretty darn cranky on some days. I am told this is perfectly normal but can't help wanting you to be an absolute perfect angel when we are around company or public.
Your great-grandma says that is okay and she is delighted that you have some "spirit". My bestest girlfriend said that you "have a strong personality". I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I will have to get back to you on this.
You have also had three haircuts already! You have a lot of hair. I could have given you a haircut at birth but wanted to see what was going to happen. People warned me that it would probably fall out. HA!
You have also gotten your second ear infection. I don't know how people manage with out health care insurance and I still don't understand how your nose can be runny in June, in triple digit heat. The sickness issue is really getting better, it is much better than what it was when you first started going to child care. Much better.
Once again, I am at a loss for words on how much you have impacted my life and the love I have for you.
Love Always,
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