Monday, November 30, 2009

Gray Hair, Wrinkles and Heart Attacks

This past weekend we went to see Raymond's family. While we were here we (my sister-in-law and myself) decided it would be so awesome to get all the grandchildren together for a photograph for abuelita for Christmas. I know, I know we are very thoughtful and come up with such good ideas. I amaze myself.

The grandchildren are ages 17, 4, 20 months and 3 months. Sounds simple enough, so an appointment was made for 10 am.

I will start from the beginning so you can feel all the joy these sessions bring.

At around 8:30 am the 17 year old, whom I love dearly, came out of his bedroom with such a furry about breakfast and then about 9 wanted to know if his mom would iron his shirt. When the answer was no.......well you can imagine the mumbling and grumbling. Then at 9:20 he jumped in the shower. My sister-in-law left to pick up the other two grand kids while I was to get the teenager and Molly out the door. We did leave about 9:40 and got to the studio on time but the other two......were still getting ready. Luckily the appointment after us was already there and we just switched times but I have a military back ground, and I don't wait until the last minute and I (for the most part) show up 15 to 30 minutes early. This worrying about time and being on time, made 20 new gray hairs and a few wrinkles. I also think I had a small heart attack but Raymond says I am just a drama queen.

Now it is our turn, all the boys did good, got in position, smiles on and Molly wanted nothing to do with it. Did not want to stand by them, sit by them or even look at the camera. NONE OF IT. I knew she had a strong will but I thought surely I can get her to do it. I AM HER MOTHER, SHE MUST DO WHAT I SAY.

Her will is stronger. Nothing worked. I bribed her with a juice box, threw her in the picture, told the lady to snap it and we were done. Only one picture of Molly and she has a juice box in her hand.

I am laughing now, because...well, there is a juice box in her hand! At the time, not so funny and I don't know if I will be apart of such a plan in the future. Oh and her dress! It was so cute and will have to get a picture of her in the dress, next to Santa. Second thought...maybe not.


  1. I do not think you are a drama queen. I also think I had a small heart attack;-)

    The pictures came out great but Molly came out with tears:-(

    Poor baby she was feeling sick.

  2. We had good intentions, didn't we?
