Dear Aunt Tracy,
We are starting an exciting school project and I have chosen you to help me with it! We have been reading the book, Flat Stanley. In this story, a boy named Stanley was sleeping one night when his bulletin board fell on him! Now he is as thin as a piece of paper! He has many adventures being so thin. One adventure is mailing himself to his friend in another state!
Flat Stanley is excited t0 explore where you live! Please let Flat Stanley be a part of your daily activities and outing for one week. Then help him write a letter back to me explain all of the fun things you did together.
We will be learning about different communities and states in the United States, so I would love to receive post cards or pictures from his adventures with you to learn more about your state and community. The information you send to me will be shared with my friends in my class.
Thank you for helping me with my school project! Please send Flat Stanley and his letter back to me as school! I am excited to hear all about Flat Stanley's trip.
Love, Michelle
She had me at "...I have chosen you to help me..." My nephew and niece have always had me wrapped around their finger. So for the next week follow me, Molly and Flat Stanley through our daily activities. I wonder if in the end I will get a letter from Michelle or her teacher to tell me to stop sending so much, that I am embarrassing her. I go overboard on these kinds of things as Michelle, my bell, will soon learn.
P.S. - Michelle has lots of nicknames so if you see, "my bell", "shell bell", "Michelle sea shell" anything with the word bell or sea shell.........this refers to Michelle.
Here is shell bell:

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