Staring with Molly's birthday, Raymond had to work on her exact day and I wanted to do something special so we went to Gatti Land. We ate macaroni and cheese in front of a huge screen TV and then played games. Sometimes I didn't even have to put money in it she was totally content to run around and push buttons.

We also went to the rodeo. This was our first time and thought it would be simple enough to look at the animals and run around. And it first. She was totally fine petting the goats and pointing to the cows but when we HAD t
o walk our way through the carnival, which I am sure they set it up that way on purpose, she wanted to ride the rides. Silly me, thought we could just get on one ride and be done with it. Once she got on this jiggly, round and round, dinosaur ride she did not want to get off of it.
We did convince her to get off for some funnel cake and then try the roller coaster but once the roller coaster stopped, she ran right back to the dinosaur ride. She must have rode it 20 times. The operator felt sorry enough for us that he let her ride on it for free, two times. It is kind of hard to deny your child such happiness because really you just see this smile and hear this laughter and I'll pretty much do anything to keep in going, especially when it is your birthday.

The next day we had cake and ice cream to celebrate the big 2. My mother always made our cakes and not only was she a good baker she could decorate them super nice. I never thought about the work that goes into it and it never crossed my mind to go buy one. I wanted to do it, I like doing it...well I would like doing it if I was any good at it. I guess I just thought I should make her a cake. I did one for her on her first birthday, just a real little one she could make a mess of I make it with bananas and apple sauce but this year I wanted to go all out.
The cake was good, but my decorating skills have a lot to be desired. Just know it was made with a lot of love. It took me a real long time to decorate it too, I am not going to tell you how long because I am embarrassed. It looks like a third grader could have done it in 30 minutes and it would have looked better.
My husband mentioned how long it took and said "look what I did in 10 minutes".

We had two scrumptious birthday cakes. The best part was this:
That was about all the celebrating we did but I do have to share some pictures of two special gifts.
My father and step-mother sent Molly this tea set. Awesome idea because it keeps us busy for a good 20 minutes at a time. The other day we used real water and had Cheerios.

My mother sent a box and in her gift bag was an outfit that Molly happily pulled out of the bag but the real excitement came when she found the crayons! All the pictures are a blur because she grabbed them and ran straight for the drawing board.

I forgot how happy crayons can make a girl. What is even funner is a couple of days later, I came around the kitchen corner and found this piece of art work:

Ironically my mother sent this baby to Molly for her first Christmas. Raymond says I should not be too upset because it will hinder her creative side. I now hide the crayons, markers, paint and play-dough from Molly and Raymond.
Molly only wanted to color some hair on the baby.