Today might be the greatest day I have had in a long, long time.
We have been going through a re-model. We have had our floors re-done, the whole house painted and a few odds and ends done. Raymond has been at work or various other duties so it has been Molly and I, confined to one room. I have tried to keep us busy and out of the house but it has been cold and after awhile you just want to be at home and eating a home cooked meal.
I hate to say this but it is true....I have been one step away from a huge nervous breakdown. It is hard for my fun loving friends and easy loving husband to understand how hard it is for a toddler who loves routine and a wife who goes by the numbers and has her life planned one year in advance.
So please just trust me when I say "It has been hard for me", so please my organized friends who has their day outlined...give me your support....IT HAS BEEN TOUGH. Lots of extra gray hairs and if I was drinking.....well lets not go there.
Anyways, today I took Molly to school. I took the day off and headed to a restaurant to eat breakfast with my husband. It was nice and I am happy to report that we still have lots to say to each other even if it does not involve Molly. Then I had an hour massage on my shoulder and neck that have been giving me a lot of pain. Then I went to the movies and saw "Dear John" if you like chick flicks then this is the movie for you. A good looking guy, romance, family drama, it was good. I cried for at least half of the movie (which felt just as good as the massage). Then I had a pedicure and just to top off the day, they served me a margarita while doing my toes. The margarita was not good but it does not matter. I came home to a hubby and girl who was happy to see me.
Now we will head to dinner and a hockey game. Life is good, my friends...LIFE IS GOOD.