Friday, July 31, 2009

Jumping Bean

Today we went to one of those inflatable worlds. Where everything if full of air and can be jumped on. It is just too darn hot to be outside and she really has some energy she needs to burn off AND because........I need her to sleep tonight. This is just a little clip to see how big my girl is.

Some pictures of Molly in motion.

I guess I am a little upset that I didn't think of renting an empty space out, filling it up with jumpable items and then charging parents $7-$10 to allow their kids to burn off energy. This could have made me a millionaire especially if I added a margarita machine. Seriously.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sick Again

I didn't think you were supposed to get sick in the summer? Molly was sick last week with high temperature. Raymond got sick this week with high temperature. I honestly don't know who was worse. At least Molly puts her head on my chest and sleeps. I am just sayin.......

We have had triple digit weather for the whole month of July. I do not remember it being this hot last year. I am managing to find things to do that does not require me to pay and I am getting soooo much better at just playing with her. I am learning that I don't have to be out and about each and everyday. I realized that she is content to play at home, I just have to play with her. Imagine that.

Here are some July summer month pictures.

Molly is interested in a spoon and fork...wants to use it....gets more done with her hands, you understand.

An awesome park in Georgetown. It is all wood and big enough for me to climb on too! Lots of imagination things to do and lots of tunnels and pathways to discover.

Doesn't she look like she could care less if she is on this tire swing. Like she is doing this for me but rolling her eyes at the same time.

Colorful art installation at the park. Check out her crossed fingers! She does this when jammin to music too, it is funny and will have to catch it on video.

This is at a splash park. I love little kids in swimsuits where you can see those chunky baby legs. She is at the point where she wants to run every where and does not care if I follow. I swear with all the chasing I do...I SHOULD BE THINNER.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Happy 16 Months

Dear Molly,

Remember the ear infection I talked about last month? You still have it. They have given you so many antibiotics I seriously doubt that anything can be alive in your little body. It really is a damn if you do, damned if you don't situation. The ear infection won't go away, do you give her more antibiotics, or let it run its course because having too much antibiotics is bad too. The doctor's think it is under control now because one ear is just a little red and not pussy and full of fluids like it has been...FOR THE PAST MONTH.

So as that was getting better, you woke up with a 102 temperature. Called the doctor to make an appointment, the lady asked for your first name and after I gave it to her she said Molly and then your last name like we were best friends. We have seen the doctor at least once a week this month. Once again I will refer to the statement that I don't see how people without health insurance do it.

For Fourth of July we went to Sea World. The lesson learned is that it is too darn hot in July to be in a crowded area with skinny people running around in bathing suits. You did awesome on being totally off schedule. Which is good to know since we have lots of traveling plans coming up.

Your Aunt, Uncle and Cousin came up (or down?) from Houston to visit. You totally love being the in the lime light. So much attention and love being sent you way and you flourished in it, soaked it up, and when they cried and wanted to go with them (I am still not ready for an over-night visit, I think about it though).

You do a lot of finger pointing and grunting. You have started sounding like we are holding a conversation. You babble on, use infliction at the end and wait for a response. The problem is, I have no idea what you are saying. I respond back like I do and we can do this for awhile before you run off. The only word you say regularly is "ut-oh". You will usually throw something down and say "ut-oh", it is a fun game that we could play for hours if only I found it as fun as you do.

You have inherited a lot of toys from friends but don't find to many of them interesting. You are interested in a baby stroller and babies. To include all the stuffed animals. You don't just want one in your hands load up with as many as your little arms will carry. It is funny and reminds me of that scene in "ET" where he is mixed in with all the stuffed animals.

It has been triple digit heat here for the last month and finding something cheap (free) to do has left us at the pool. Lots of swimming. I do not remember it being this hot last year but we used to walk and walk and walk now we walk to the end of the driveway and come back. You seem oblivious to the heat and prefer to be outside but damn it is HOT!

It seems like there are hard times all around us, financial problems, marital problems and unhappiness. I often wonder what have I done to deserve all this happiness and who is going to take it away from me. You have brought me a new definition of happiness and I am forever grateful.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Fashion Icon

It seems like I am getting to know something different about my daughter each day. This evening I was putting away her clothes and found a pair of slippers that her abulita gave her months ago. We didn't wear them because they were too big and I just forgot about them. When I found them I realized they are the size she wears but I didn't believe it because they looked huge so I had her try them on. First of all.........she was super eager, trying to lift up her foot and get them on, then she didn't want to take them off. Even when I took of her clothes to get her in her PJ's she started crying when I took them off. I put them right back on and she ran away from me. No clothes on, just these fabulous slippers. I took a very cute picture but will keep it to myself because Raymond would kill me if I put a naked baby picture up.

You are probably wondering what kind of awesome slipper are these? And maybe thinking you need a pair?

Now I am very afraid. Afraid, I am going to have that girl that wants all pink, all princess, all the time. Boa's are fine because, they are cool and never go out of style but pink, princess....UGH.

To top off Molly's fashion show, I have some pictures of Molly wearing two dresses that her Aunt Nelly made for her. They are so cute that I had to share.

Apparently these are simple pillow case dresses (I say simple very sarcastically), but Aunt Nelly had to throw in more bling so instead of the usual ribbon around the neckline she blinged it up with some beads and jewels. There is a third one that is my favorite because she actually stitched a design on the bottom of the dress. I will add that picture later because I will have to show it off.

It is fun dressing Molly and there are so many choices for little girls. Not to mention she has an Aunt that wants to sew her dresses. I got a message yesterday that Aunt Nelly made me a matching pillow case top and dresses for Molly's babies!

Bring on the matching outfits and bring on the boa's!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Her laugh is so intoxicating.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Busy Weekends

This summer has been busy! If only this work thing did not get in the way, things would be better.

A couple weekends ago we celebrated our five year anniversary of being back in the states. A bunch of guys that I (we) were deployed with get together to catch up. This usually consists of dinner and drinking. This year we went all out and got a cabin (a.k.a. trailer) on Canyon Lake. We all brought our families and basically ate, played, and talked. I did not take many pictures just of Molly playing with one of the Soldier's little boy. Of course. A million pictures of Molly. But to bring up old memories here is a picture of my unit in Iraq.

This is a picture of Raymond and I, putting out a vehicle fire. It is just a cool picture.

This is just a partial group picture but I like it because we are all smelly and dirty.

Then fourth of July weekend, Raymond had to work so I went with my friend to San Antonio to go to Sea World. Yes, VERY STUPID. I thought we could probably deal with the heat but I was not prepared for the amount of people that would be there. The park was at full capacity and every show we would try to go see would be full by the time we got there. Then in attempts to stay hydrated we drank so much water that we visited every single restroom the park had to offer. Although I think it was fun for Molly because she loves to people watch and was content to sit in the shade and watch away. I did not take many pictures because....well, it was too damn hot. Here is one of the few pictures I took and it is not very good so just imagine all the cuteness going on.
I think I would have felt cheated if I paid to get in, but Sea World lets Soldier's in for free once a year and my ID is still good so.......YEAH for me! Don't worry they still got my money it cost Molly and I $30 to eat lunch. We all know it is going to cost this much and should not be surprised but holy cow $30 bucks?!

We did not go see fireworks because they did not start until 9:15 pm and Molly usually goes to bed by 8:00 pm and bedtime is very important to us. Come to find out they only lasted 15 minutes and took over an hour and a half to get back home due to the large amount of traffic and people. Gosh, where does one go to see fireworks where you can lay your blanket down and not be crowded in or wait an hour or so in line to leave?

Molly is not really talking, okay is not talking but she sure know how to nod her head "no". She definitely knows what she does not want. This past weekend she started saying "no, no, no, NO" and a favorite game is to throw something on the floor and say "ut-oh". Oh yes, we can do this for hours. Lots of fun and I want to share the fun so if you are in the area please stop by to play.

She also has a new facial expression that was reserved when someone was doing something stupid. Now it is used for stupidness and when she is pissed off. I am not sure if I was doing something stupid or if she was pissed off, maybe both?

Anywho very busy and I long for the days of laying on the sofa with a margarita in my hand.