Friday, March 19, 2010


I did not think it was possible for someone to love someone else, as much as I love Molly. I mean this love is over whelming at times and I just didn't think anyone else could feel this same way until I took this clumsy picture.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


There is an old steam train that runs from Cedar Park to Burnett. My sister-in-law has been wanting to ride this train for sometime and everything finally worked out so that we were able to go. What was nice is that it was an "only girls" ride. Myself, Molly, Sister-In-Law and Mother-In-Law went.

The ride was two hours one way and then stopped for two hours before we returned home. Molly did super good and the weather was super nice.

Molly walking the aisles before most of the passengers boarded.

Aunt Nelly and Molly posing for photo.