Saturday, August 15, 2009

August Wiggles

Time has really gotten away with me. Seem like we are very busy but I cannot tell you what we have been up to. It has been super hot here with no rain which leads us to the pool almost everyday.

We took Molly to her first concert a week ago. Now, don't be jealous but here is a picture of them in action.

I remember years ago that there was some controversy over Teletubies and subliminal messages that they were sending and I think this might be true for the Wiggles. I think they put something in the air or are doing something telepathic that makes kids watch them. Molly stayed like this for the whole hour and a half. Seriously. Sometimes she would want to sit on Raymond's lap but for the most part she was like this the whole time.

Did you notice all the babies that Raymond just had to get her. She wanted them, she neeeeeded them.